Designing A Flexible Motion Off.

Designing A Flexible Motion Off.
$29.95 $39.95
Lance Randall has coached in the professional, collegiate, and high school ranks with great success - including a 70-3 run at the high school level. During that stretch his teams shot an astounding 54% from the floor while averaging six turnovers per game. He is currently an assistant coach for Loyola (Chi). In this outstanding DVD Randall teaches a motion offense that is flexible enough to fit any situation. He teaches the fundamentals of teaching motion offense as well as showing the seven motion offensive sets his teams run. The sets include 5-man, stagger screens, hi/low, 3-man, 3-man with ball screen, 1-man low, and 4-out/1-in. He includes drills to build the offense and the basics of teaching screening and cutting. Running Time: 82 Minutes.